Holdin' it down like a fat kid on a see-saw

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Tuesday, September 15, 2009 @ 5:15 PM

Wow its been a while since I updated this thing. Anyways summer was good. Intense last 2 weeks because of flip hop practices. So, I got a job but they didn't call me for orientation yet and its been almost 2 weeks since they said they would call me in for orientation. I guess pass by tomorrow to talk to the manager. The first week of school was cool. A big change from highschool. Teachers don't care if you're absent or late. My business class is pretty dope, since during my test week, I can go in anytime during that week to do my test. Seen a lot of old friends from Marshall so chilled with them. Chilled with Micha and her friends. I swear I'm like the only business dude surrounded by a group of nursing students lol. But yeah I've actually been motivated to do school work. Pretty different since last year I didn't care. But yeah, Camp is coming up in 2 weeks and Genesys auditions in 3. So gonna be a crazy month. Mehh I don't feel like writing alot, just felt like updating. I'll take a bunch of pictures the next couple of days to subsitute for my lack of posts. Oh, by the way I got my wisdom teeth removed on Saturday. During sunday I looked like Kanye since I didnt shave my my cheeks were hella puffy. I'll post a picture later.