Holdin' it down like a fat kid on a see-saw

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Sunday, August 2, 2009 @ 10:01 PM

Friday - Went to my wisdom teeth consultation. So they are coming off Sept. 12th

Saturday - Went to Kenneth's place with Pam and Cyril. Locked my keys in my car. We ended up wedging the door and using a coat hanger to unlock the door. Took about an hour but it was fun. Thanks Kenneth again. Then we had to eat everything in Kenneth's fridge because it broke soo most of the food was going to get spoiled. Then got a phone call and found out one of our friend's got into a car accident near by because he tried to drift. Front end of the car was messed. Then chilled at the park.

Sunday - All day cotillion practice. Pretty intense. Then me and Pam planned to watch The Ugly Truth because it took us 3 attempts to watch it but it never happened. So we went to Collosus with Kristine, Jeremy, Mj, Cyril and John. Pretty good movie. I actually enjoyed it. Then went over to Pam's house and watched 17 Again. It was cool.