Holdin' it down like a fat kid on a see-saw

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Friday, October 3, 2008 @ 8:37 PM

Current Song: When It Hurts - Avant

Went to school to watch the ball game but realized no one was there soo i linked up kenneth. Then i texted micha since i was reaching vaughan mills. Picked up kenneth, kim, michael, and roger drove them to vaughan mills. Then went to pick up micha and jezer. Went to jayare's an loafted for a bit. Then went to vaughan mills to kill some time. Went to nike saw jaye and he gave me the wings poster (now i gotta get you a crazy ass birthday gift LOL). Then saw brendon and others. And then went to nascar. Saw marian, caught up on a few things with her. Then played initial d with justin and showed off my "DDR Skills". LOL "STYLE POINTS" ahaha. Anyways went off to pizza pizza and got some food. Drove back to jayare's and played the song Ante Up Remix and drove around the neighbourhood making gun shot noises everywhere. Ate at jayare's danced around for a while and then dropped em home. Picked up kenneth at vaughan mills, i was surprised they were still there. Then went home. Pretty random day but still pretty fun.